Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
93 - Gaia TV: An Introduction
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Gaia TV, the self-styled "Netflix of spirituality," hosts a wide range of content from yoga videos to ancient aliens to 5D Ascension to Iceland-is-the-pineal-gland-of-the-Earth. And throw in some sovereign citizen stuff about the real reason for the American civil war just for good measure. It's a lot. And we reference Gaia quite a bit, without ever thinking for a moment "hey, maybe our audience isn't as irreparably broken as we are." So we wanted to give an introduction to the mind-melting juggernaut that is Gaia. We take a look at some of the truly unbelievable content that Gaia pushes out, look at the corporate history, what some disgruntled former employees have to say, and concoct some theories of our own.
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
92 - The Kyle Odom Manifesto
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
This is the true story of one marine combat veteran who believed he was up against the threat of a lifetime. Kyle Odom knew too much about the flaws in human genetics and the real truth of who controls humanity. That’s why the Martians had to stop him, which is exactly why he had to stop them. After months of building up to the act, Kyle Odom made the single most regrettable decision of his entire life and attempted to take the life of a preacher that he believed was a martian. Today we’ll be looking at the manifesto released by Kyle following the brutal shooting, and discuss what led a bright young man to do such a thing.
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Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
91 - Alexander Shulgin
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
This week: drugs! Psychedelic drugs and the man responsible for inventing most of them, Alexander Shulgin. Shulgin was a "psychopharmacologist" who, due to a special arrangement with the DEA, invented, synthesized, and tested on himself and his friends, hundreds of brand-spankin'-new psychedelic drugs, many of which are referred to now as "research chemicals. Alexander Shulgin is also known as the "godfather of ecstasy" for his role in re-discovering MDMA and became a counterculture hero after the publication of his books PiHKAL and TiHKAL, which provided detailed recipes and analyses for over 200 different substances as well as an absolutely insufferable love story. Also he was a member of the Bohemian Club (the one with the grove), and a pretty odd fellow in general.
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Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
90 - The Circus in America
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Ladies and gentlemen! Girls and boys! Today must be your lucky day because here at The Nonsense Bazaar, the Circus is in town. That’s right, imagine it now—the candy striped big top tent, the scent of peanuts and popcorn, the enormous crowd. But where did it all come from? And…where did it go? What do Jumbo Shrimp have to do with anything? In this episode, you’ll learn about how the Circus came to America, about some of the key figures in its development, the utter horror that is the geek show, and about how, in some ways, isn't life itself is a bit of a circus?
Support The Nonsense Bazaar on Patreon and get access to bonus episodes and our new patron-exclusive Discord server for only $5 a month. Go on and see the elephants!
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
89 - The Monroe Institute Revisited
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
We're getting weird with it this week as we return to one of our favorite subjects: The Monroe Institute. The Monroe Institute uses audio signals to facilitate Out-Of-Body experiences, remote viewing, and other parapsychological phenomena. Mostly known as a vital, if goofy, component of the CIA/DIA psychic spy program (STARGATE et al) due to that document that gets passed around on the internet every 6 months like clockwork about the Monroe Institute's Gateway Experience, the Monroe Institute and Bob Monroe himself are far more interesting than any "How The CIA Proved Manifesting" video will ever lead you to believe. This week we're looking at the TMI's technology itself, some of the scientific (as in, peer reviewed) studies of their patented hemi-sync audio technology. Then we're going really weird with it and talking about the time they remote viewed Mars, and listening to recordings of a channeling session with something called "Miranon". Which might be the strangest thing we've covered so far.
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Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
88 - Time Skips & Exotic Vacuum Objects
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
This week we're looking at a couple of examples of the phenomenon of missing time, when things like a drive through a foggy night take much less time than they should, or when 6 hours pass during the time you raise your fork to your TV dinner. Where for either the subject or the outside world, a chunk of time seems to disappear. We also take a look at some research from a couple sources with government funding looking at something called Exotic Vacuum Objects and how these impossible things might be responsible for not only time anomalies, but a whole lot more of the weird. Also Hal Puthoff shows up in this episode for some damn reason.
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Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
87 - The Book of The Watchers (The Book of Enoch: 1-36)
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
It's time for some of that old, old time religion as we tell a classic tale of blood, pride, mayhem and divine wrath. The Book of Enoch is one of the most consistently speculated upon books in the entire Judeo-Christian tradition despite not officially being part of the vast, vast majority of Jewish and Christion canons. Just what are they trying to hide? Probably just that God is kind of dick and makes mistakes. But that hasn't stopped people from latching onto the story of Enoch, the Watchers, and the Nephilim as evidence of ancient aliens and the true history of aliens and human hybrids. It's a weird one for sure. In this episode we're telling the story of the first section of the The Book of Enoch, The Book of The Watchers, which deals with the fallen angels giving technological secrets to humanity and being punished brutally by an angry god as well as Enoch's journey to God's house and magical mystery tour through a weird cosmos.
Note: We are neither historians nor biblical scholars. We are morons. And we got a lot wrong. Most prominently referring to The Book of The Watchers as "The First Book of Enoch". While it is the first book in The Book of Enoch, 1 Enoch refers to the whole thing while 2 Enoch and 3 Enoch are entirely different books. Also, we had to cut any overt references to it but Sequoyah was dealing with a very stupid and very funny potential personal crisis and his head wasn't exactly in the game.
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Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
86 - The Amnesia Episode
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Memory is a strange and slippery thing. Our memories are vital to our understanding of ourselves and the story we tell about our lives. Yet they're imperfect (to put it mildly) and in some cases your entire set of memories and self knowledge can just up and disappear. Who would you be without your memories? Would you have the same morals, the same values? Would you turn a hearse into a mobile bachelor pad, sit on a flagpole for a month, and get a job announcing the evening news? That's what one fellow did and he named himself John Johnson while doing it. Or at least that's the story he told. See, because memory is so slippery, "amnesia" is also often a get-out-of-a-wife-and-kids-free card. It ain't a crime to forget stuff after all, even if that stuff is your wife the brutal debt you took on opening a tilapia farm in Wisconsin, only to see your face on Unsolved Mysteries while kicking it as a scuba diver in Key West. In this episode we're looking at a few case studies of amnesia, some of which are genuine and genuinely terrifying. But others, well, might have a little more to the story.
Support The Nonsense Bazaar on Patreon and get access to our bonus series The Corkboard Bizarre for only $5 dollars a month. Your support keeps us ad-free and free from faking amnesia and running away to Key West.
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
85 - Project Superman: The Tragedy of Andy Pero
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Andy Pero was just a normal boy who happened to be the best at everything and only stuttered because of the residual effects of illuminati mind control. Recruited into the secret government program Project Superman, a subproject of Project Montauk. While Andy was under hypnosis he could do 200 pushups in a row and lift 1500 pounds. Also he could jump from planes without a parachute. After the Montauk project was shut down by releasing an astral monster into the facility to slaughter all the workers, Andy was left out to dry. Until, that is, he realized everyone in his life was government handler, he kidnapped and robbed his mother, and finally ended up in jail for murdering an ex-girlfriend. Yeah this one takes quite the turn.
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Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
84 - Human Design
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Who are you? How do you define yourself? What are you genetically equipped to handle? How do the neutrinos generated by the planet Jupiter determine what you're genetically equipped to handle? How can we use this to grow your social media presence? And how does one Canadian advertising executive's psychotic break on Ibiza in 1987 figure into all of this? These are the questions we give up on trying to answer this week as we tackle the most mind melting system of personal growth and categorization this side of the numogram: Human Design as revealed to Ra Uru Hu by a floating blue orb in a shack in Ibiza. It's sheer madness and it shouldn't be having a moment, but it is, and it's infuriating.
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