Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
83 - Jason Shurka & The Light System
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Did you know that for thousands of years, a spiritual CIA has been watching over humanity? They’re called The Light System. They have secret agents in every city worldwide taking part in important missions, like plotting to overthrow the UN or rescuing children from underground tunnels. They’ve finally broken their thousand-year vow of silence thanks to the help of a NYC real estate agent named Jason Shurka. Rising above his tragic past full of shoulder injuries, Jason is making a name for himself in the world of Gaia-adjacent “whistleblowers”. Join us as we try to make sense of his claims, and determine if The Light System is really here to help us.
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Thursday Nov 17, 2022
[Patreon Bonus Episode] The Corkboard Bizarre #6 - How To Join The Illuminati
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
This is an unlocked episode from our bonus series on Patreon. In this episode we're talking about meeting flat earthers at a party deep behind enemy lines, getting strapped with paperback grimoires, a dolphin that grew up to be a fine British gentleman, a new social media site that will actually destroy your mind, and we start looking into maybe the weirdest scam we've ever found on the internet.
If you want more of this nonsense, you can get access for just $5 a month on our Patreon
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
82 - Leonhard, Togo, & The Great Race of Mercy Part II: The 1925 Serum Run to Nome
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
This week we're concluding the story of Leonhard Seppala, Togo, and the 1925 serum run to Nome with the story of the actual serum Run to Nome, Alaska. As Dr. Curtis Welch realizes Nome is completely unprepared for the epidemic of diphtheria, the town goes into hard quarantine, which is already entirely too late. A batch of antitoxin is found in Anchorage Alaska and is shipped by rail to Nenana, 674 miles east of Nome across the the Alaskan interior. From there a relay of the most hardboiled men and dogs who ever lived race against time, blizzards, and the coldest winter in 20 years to deliver the serum to Nome.
Support The Nonsense Bazaar on Patreon and get access to our bonus series The Corkboard Bizarre for just $5 a month!
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
81 - Leonhard, Togo, and the Great Race of Mercy Part I: Dog Country
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
In January of 1925, an epidemic of diphtheria threatened to destroy the very small, very isolated town of Nome, Alaska. Diphtheria is straight up horrifying. And without any antitoxin and completely cut off from the rest of civilization, Nome's only hope was to transport diphtheria serum in a 674 mile relay by dogsled drivers through -80 degree temperatures, blizzards, and pounding winds in a matter of days. The team Nome relied on for the heaviest lifting on this relay was that of a 5'4" Norwegian immigrant named Leonhard Seppala and his 12 year old lead husky Togo, together the most legendary partnership in the history of the dogsled. This story has been told a few times, across a few different types of media but its usually told as a children's story. It's really not a children's story. Northern Alaska is a brutal, often frightening place. And in part one we tell the very stupid story of how Nome, Alaska came to be, how Leonhard Seppala arrived there, and how Togo came to be known as the greatest lead dog in history.
Subscribe to our Patreon and get access to our bonus series The Corkboard Bizarre for $5 a month. Your support keeps the lights on and the creeping dread at bay.
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
80 - Harriet Tubman: Psychic Spy
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
What do you know about Harriet Tubman? You probably know she helped slaves flee the South, right? Something about a railroad? Did you know Harriet Tubman was a psychic spy, guided by conversations with God, engaging in actual hardcore espionage deep behind enemy lines? Traveling downriver leading militia units and lighting plantations on fire? Did you know that the CIA has a statue of Harriet Tubman as an example of a model spy? Probably not. Harriet Tubman is one of the coolest people in history. Unfortunately, the supernatural and spiritual side of Harriet Tubman's life has been completely washed from most of the biographies written about her, for fear that it would somehow cheapen her story. But Harriet was a psychic spy and an absolutely unrelenting badass.
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
79 - Halloween Spooky Spectacular II: Tales From The Haunted Forest
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Happy Halloween! It's the spookiest time of the year so we figured we'd talk about the paranormal phenomenon we actually never talk about on our show, but which we have the most personal experiences with: ghosts! Or things that have been called ghosts! Whatever they are, we crack open some fine IPAs and tell some ghost stories, from our own lives and from the towns we grew up in. Including but not limited to: The Ram Tail Factory, Rhode Island's only officially haunted location (according to the government...sort of), the "Lost Village of Voices" (which may have spoke through Willow's childhood ventriloquist dummy), orbs, forest spirits, Lovecraft, and much, much more. We also realize that between the two of us, we've actually had a fair amount of run-ins with the unexplained. Who'd have thought? Enjoy!
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
78 - HAARP
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
We're taking it a bit easy this week and talking about the magical superweapon that will or already has destroyed the world and taken over your mind. And created every single weather event that has occurred since it was built in the early 90's. That's right we're talking about HAARP, or the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project, a big spooky machine in Alaska that has been a mainstay of conspiracy theories for its entire lifespan. But are those conspiracy theories justified? Well, maybe. Just not necessarily in the way most people might think. And while it certainly isn't the reason Jesse Ventura can't sleep at night, it does have a fairly shady history and has certainly been involved in top-secret military projects.
Support the Nonsense Bazaar on Patreon and get access to our bonus series "The Corkboard Bizarre" for only $5 a month!
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
77 - Mission Rahma
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Flying hamburgers! Flying bananas! Nerds in the jungle! Lots and lots of chanting! And more UFOs than you can shake a stick at! This week we're telling the story of the Rahma Mission, the Peruvian UFO movement/group/not-a-religion-but-verging-on-that-territory started by Sixto Paz Wells in 1974. Through automatic writing, Sixto made contact with the space-brothers on their mining base on Ganymede. The space-brothers told him and his friends where and when to walk off into the desert if they wanted to see some UFOs. And sure enough, the flying hamburgers showed up. In the years that followed, the group would develop a "Human Initiated Contact" ritual to summon UFOs, grow to be an international phenomenon, and a whole host of weird stuff would start to happen.
News broadcast on the Rahma Mission:
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Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
76 - The Saint Germain Foundation II
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Well, we're back here again: the I AM Activity, Saint Germain, Mt Shasta, interdimensional vampires, Nazis, mind control, you know, that old chestnut. If you're not familiar with the The Nonsense Bazaar's Saint Germain lore, go back and listen to episodes 23, 24, and 52, otherwise this is going to make absolutely zero sense. If you are familiar, we're sorry but this needs to be done. As we know, the Saint Germain Foundation is the modern heir to the truly evil legacy left behind by Guy and Edna Ballard. We've been looking at the SGF for over a year now and wondering just what are they up to? They own hundreds of properties all across the world, including a giant compound or two, do zero apparent recruiting, and besides their very strange public pageants (rituals) there isn't really any sign of life. Meanwhile, I AM doctrine is seemingly driving more and more people insane than ever. It's a situation fertile for wild speculation and paranoia. But recently we came upon a series of videos posted by someone who claims to have been initiated into the Saint Germain Foundation and who corroborates all of our most paranoid and private speculation. Mind control, black magic, spirit possession, and a conspiracy to enslave the world under the Ascended Masters, who are allegedly evil interdimensional godlike entities. It's absolutely insane and under any other circumstance would be disregarded entirely. And yet, not only does it completely track with our private (and stoned) speculation, it ties into many of the other stories we've covered as well. Weirder still, the parts of this person's story we've been able to verify do check out. What on Earth is happening here?
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
75 - NLP: Scumbag Magic That Works!
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
This week we're talking about Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), the system of brain reprogramming that will allow you too to have a mind as clean and efficient as a hotel conference room in Miami circa 1986. It'll win you friends, lovers, cure every disease known to man, and evidently let you get away with murder. All without ever really developing a personality. NLP is, essentially, a system of magic, that came out of the Human Potential Movement of the 1970s. Developed by linguist John Grinder and psychology student/cocaine enthusiast Richard Bandler as the result of modeling the techniques used by unusually successful clinical psychologists, NLP has become extremely influential in the world of self-help. In this episode we talk about the basis for NLP and how it's supposed to work. And then we tell a story about how Richard Bandler probably got away with murder.